Thursday 17 February 2011

It's not technology, it's what you do with it.

Without sounding like a fraggle, technology scares me a bit.

I was so reluctant to sign up to Twitter for fear of getting tangled in yet another social network, and I resent all the 5-year olds that can effortlessly navigate through an iPhone when I can't.

But if I really want to be in this industry, I need to embrace it. And in contrast to the constant pressure of keeping up with what's new, this vid gives me back the twinge of excitement about technology that I think I'd replaced with frustration.

Intuitive art direction

Of late, possibly because after Chris met with the headhunters IndigoMile who told him that if we walked into an agency proclaiming us both as copywriter's they'd laugh us out of the door, I've taken more of an interest in art direction.

During our One Day in January event, I visualised 4 storyboards within a couple of hours, when usually it would take me around two hours to visualise just one due to my complete rut in confidence when it comes to drawing. And if I'm honest, I didn't think they were half bad. I think my increasing interest in art direction is mainly due to necessity, partly curiousity but mostly my downright OCD drives me towards it. But I still believe a certain degree of good art direction is down to pure intuition.

The following ad is a brilliant demonstration of what I perceive to be intuitive art direction. Each frame is so beautifully shot that they could make still photos; a very Stanley Kubric-esque style of film-making. I have no idea how the art director, Shishir Patel of DDB London, knew what shots to film and how they'd come together to bring out such emotion, but he did, and they do.